Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Now is Perfect!

This morning's chapter from Wayne Dyer's book was very powerful: "Living without Striving" (p. 94).  It advises to always be present.  Be here now.  "Let go of wondering about doing the right thing."  That's what I need to do.  I'm always wondering and worrying if I'm doing the right thing and thinking I should be doing more.  Apparently I don't need to do that anymore.  Relax and just BE.  Surrender.  Accept.  The Universe (or the Great Mother as Wayne calls it sometimes, or God) has everything in perfect control.  Perfect harmony.  We are all being taken care of at every moment and provided for at all times.  So just let go, relax, surrender, and accept that sustenance given to us freely. 

Apparently even back in Lao-tzu's time, 2,500 years ago, living this way was different and looked down upon.  Lao-tzu said he was "an outsider who is unlike most people, who is drifting."  That's exactly how I've always felt!  It's considered normal and proper (even back then) to strive for more.  But really, we have all we need already.  Others might call us unmotivated or stupid, but we get a strong sense of inner peace from living this way.  Others can't see that, so it confuses them.  Trade "striving for arriving."  I LOVE that! 

Accept what is offered to you.  It's exactly what you need.  "Change how you see what's here and now in your life, for then it will become exactly what you need in order to be happy."  When you stop striving and stay in the present moment, accepting what's offered, knowing you're being taken care of, you have no concerns for fears.  They're replaced by a sense of being connected to the Source. 

Wayne offers this affirmation in the chapter.  I absolutely love it and will put it up in my house to read every day.  It's purpose is to help you get in touch with the peace of the Tao. 
"It is all perfect.  God's love is everywhere and forgets no one.  I trust in this force to guide me."

Two final key points from this chapter:
1.  Don't strive for future benefit.  Enjoy NOW.
2.  Accept what's offered.  Know that that situation is, in some way, sustenance from "the Great Mother."
*Also note that your striving ego will often reject these gifts from the Great Mother.  All the more reason to let go and accept. 

This is truly a great lesson.  I look forward to practicing it every day.  :)

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